My Stubbornness Caused My Child’s Unhappiness


Image courtesy Buy Buy Baby

When Jalen was born, I developed an unhealthy fascination with car seats.  I read somewhere that the majority of children die in car accidents, either because they weren’t in a car seat, or the car seat was not properly installed.  I joined car seat boards.  I had my seat professionally installed.  I double checked the installation of any seat that I knew my child had to ride in.

Then it was time to buy a “big boy” seat.  I went nuts here too.  After hours of research, I decided on the Sunshine Kids / Diono Radian brand.  This was the perfect seat because it could hold kids up to 80 pounds, which meant I would be able to use this seat until he could use the car’s belt.  And, they didn’t expire for forever (yes, car seats expire!). Continue reading

Get You A Village!

villageEarlier this evening, I took these two rugrats and unceremoniously dumped them off at their aunt and uncle.  I was this close to sending them off to meet their Maker!

Yesterday was Christmas.  They were showered with all manner of gifts from adoring family members.  Today, their loving mother chauffeured them to a playdate with friends and cousins, after which they enjoyed a favorite meal of their choosing.

What did they do when they got home?  Smile and think contentedly about how fortunate they are, when compared to the millions of children in the world who didn’t even recognize that yesterday was Christmas because all they wanted was something to eat?  Continue reading